Just when you thought the night couldn’t be more fun, it truly is when you play SOMM Blinders Game with friends and family. I can honestly say that this card game has upped my blind tasting skills which, to be honest, have never been what they should. Tasting wine “blind” is tough and although I’m reasonably good at identifying aromas and flavors of a wine, determining the variety correctly can be a challenge. Now, with SOMM Blinders Game, blind tasting is actually fun and not at all intimidating.

somm blinders
Meant for any wine enthusiast, from the newbie to the seasoned pro, SOMM Blinders Game is a card-based game with the objective to match your cards to the wine that you think you’re drinking in each round. Points are earned based on those cards and after all the wines have been tasted, the winner is the player who has the most points. The loser has the rights to dump and clean the spit bucket!

somm blinders
I’ve been playing with the Original Deck that includes red and white wines. The deck has 107 cards that include taste descriptors, cards for high or low acidity, high or low tannins, with or without oak, regions and grape varieties. The white wines to play with in the Original Deck are Pinot Grigio from Italy, Sauvignon Blanc, Oaked Chardonnay and Unoaked Chardonnay (or Chablis). Red wines are California Cabernet, Bordeaux, Beaujolais and California Pinot Noir. (Other decks focus specifically on red wines and white wines – each deck covers six wines.)

Check out the video of how to play the game here!

Whether you play the game in the comfort of your own home, at your neighborhood wine bar or wherever, you’re guaranteed to have a great time swirling, sipping, laughing and learning. But here’s the spoiler alert: SOMM Blinders Game might just be the most addictive card game you’ll ever play.

Enticed? Each deck (Original Deck, Red Deck, White Deck) is $35 and you can order here with the coupon code GRAPEXP.

Cheers! ~ Cindy

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